
2009 - 2010 X'mas Harbin holiday

很久沒有白色聖誕!! 今年x'mas 往中國東北北部 過了8天冰凍的冬天
在HK 16-20度時東北地方已經在0度以下未出發已覺好凍
Down JKt sponser by: Eddie Bauer (Very good Qlty!! Tks!!)
Warm leg panel : Own source
Very important is "EAR Warmer" - Without this, you can not stay in 東北 area. (source fm Internet shop HK$15)

Schedule -
Day 1 HK ---- 大連First day arrive in 大連 the temperature already in -19 degree.
Day 2 temperature -22大連市內觀光 = 星海公園=百年城雕= 人民廣場= 中山廣場
Day 3 大連 = 沈陽 temperature -26沈陽市內觀光= 故宮博物院= 滿清十二帝
Day 4 沈陽=長春 tmperature -26長途車沈陽=長春 6hours
Day 5 長春-吉林 tmperature -30長春市內觀光-偽满州皇宮(中国最后皇帝溥儀皇宮)--松花冮--百年天主教堂
Day 6 長春-吉林 tmperature -30 to -35Skking day 淨月潭滑雪場
Day 7 哈爾濱( Harbin) - 冰城 太陽島雪鵰展 (Sun Island) = 所有雪鵰展品冰雪大世界 - this is very big Area.. Inside the ICE area- you can see all the world the most famous buliding... If you never been here, you don't know how cold !! We spend 1 1/2 hrs finish snap shot Disney 冰雪小世界 - this is very small park. But in the park the temperature almost under -30 to -35. Very Cold!!!
Day 8 哈爾濱 back Hong Kong

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