
向Combodia 出發 -- Siem Reap Angkor city



6-9-07 -- we start next journey.... visit Angkor wat (Everyone say 小吳哥 should be say 吳堂窟 ) But can tell you the truth, this temple you need take one day to visit all. It is not small.
We wake up at 4.30am to see the sun rise and then start to visit the temple.

1)Angkor Wat 吳堂窟
2)bantesy Srey 女王寺 this temple is the most beautiful temple what we visit. 她仍然保留她的美態, 當陽光照射時color of the wall / stone will come in Pink/orange colors. It is the different to other temples. That why many tourist must visit this temple.
3)Benteay Samre 班提色瑪寺
4)Benteay Kdei 班提可德寺

6-10-07 --
This time we took the car - called "Tuk Tuk" very special in Combodia. For one day only cost US$ 17. Very cheap. But you need bewear that many dust will come to your face.....
We went to visited - Tonle Sap lek (Lake)This is very famous village which many family live and work on the river.
如果你有看無綫播謝延鋒向出界出發的一段片段, 我們都意外地前往visited.在陸地上我們見到的是沙塵滾滾及一个个面積只可容納4-5个成員的家庭 - the kitchen and bathroom will be outside. the house only for living and some familly will use for selling.
We get on the boat, the lek all over familly. As the tour guy told us, each family is fisherman, they feeding the fish and 鱷魚 Under their house or next to the house in the river.
The water color, now we see is muddy color, but the tour guy told us when in summer time and the water go up, the color will change to very clear and bright blue/ green.
Very beautiful, then all the family living outside the river need move back to the village. They heed to protect their fish.
We missed this chance. Next time if you see. don't miss it !!
Then we went to visted few temple called -- Roluos Temple. It divided into three parts -- Lolei , Preah Ko and Bakong.
Bakong this temple is the fist temple bulid in Combodia.
Later we wend to see sunset...

2 則留言:

匿名 提到...

Iris Li, Can I show your blog to Kenny? He is always interested..... 佢說你去親既地方佢都好有興趣呀....

幾時有幾間食反? Jovi

匿名 提到...

Hi Jovi,

Of course he can read my blogs la...... I'm very welcome !!

I'm planning next trip where to go...

Anytime ..... for dinner... call me la