最后一站 --- 下龍灣
美麗的下龍灣是越南的自然奇之一,北部灣 (Gulf of Tonkin) 清澈碧藍的海面,散佈著3千多個島嶼。這些小島上分佈著無數海灘,以及在風浪下形成的洞穴。
Life shot
遊... Japan
Photo shooting
遊... Asia
遊... Hong Kong
遊... China
My little workshop
遊... 美加
向Vietnam 出發 - 第一站胡志明市 Ho Chi Minh city
終於到下第一站 --- 胡志明市 Ho Chi Minh city (HCMC)! 此地方對大部份香港人來講這個地方沒有甚麽可以參觀或吸引, 但細心觀察佢, 自然發現有特別感覺.
末出發前有好多朋友都講去 combodia and vietnam 睇廠啊 !!! 感覺上不是太好.. 只可以回答這些地方有佢特別地方遊玩, 不是睇廠咁簡單 !!!!
住: 酒店環境 ok ! 週圍都有嘢食 !
行:第一次來到越南感覺好特別, 人民親善及地方比想像中太平.. 唯獨电單車十分之多橫過馬路都十分困雖, 我們都要考察市民怎樣過馬路 !!
食: 大家都有看蔡瀾特輯介紹越南地道食物---牛肉河 !! 小女子点會放過, 隨便找一間都覺得十分好味 ,湯底好好味 ! 試過不同食店間間都有唔同味道, 此外you can have chicken, or pork for the noodle. But 他們食芽菜是生食, 朋友們如果你不能接受你可以不加上去
另外他們好喜歡香草,如果味道不適合你,你亦可以不加上去但注意一定要加上青檸汁,十分清甜 =P
在HCMC , we stayed around 3days.. first day walked around in the HCMC, we've been visit ---
1)Reunification palace --重建總部,
2)ChoBen Thanh Market -- 旅客必到舊市塲, 如果你是極到瘋狂shopping 人事此處你可以買到手信 (對我來講沒甚麽可以買, 因香港乜都有 !)
3)War Museum --you must go to visit since they are showing all the Vietnam war . 十分悲慘 !
4)Post office -- 最古老post office. It is bulid in 1881 . They still use for office. Good place to see.
5)Notre Dame Cathedral -- 聖母大教堂
第二站 -- 古芝地道
此地道是很久越南人為了避免外來入侵在地下打通地道, 在打杖其間都幫助不少
很久主婦都已加入打杖保護家庭, 所有起居飲食都在地道地生活 ! 我們親身嘗試地方極小的地道扒行, 感受十分悲慘, 環境又黑又細, 身体再肥胖都恐怕amhhhhhh 入唔到去 !!!此行值得推介 -- very good !!!
終於到下第一站 --- 胡志明市 Ho Chi Minh city (HCMC)! 此地方對大部份香港人來講這個地方沒有甚麽可以參觀或吸引, 但細心觀察佢, 自然發現有特別感覺.
末出發前有好多朋友都講去 combodia and vietnam 睇廠啊 !!! 感覺上不是太好.. 只可以回答這些地方有佢特別地方遊玩, 不是睇廠咁簡單 !!!!
住: 酒店環境 ok ! 週圍都有嘢食 !
行:第一次來到越南感覺好特別, 人民親善及地方比想像中太平.. 唯獨电單車十分之多橫過馬路都十分困雖, 我們都要考察市民怎樣過馬路 !!
食: 大家都有看蔡瀾特輯介紹越南地道食物---牛肉河 !! 小女子点會放過, 隨便找一間都覺得十分好味 ,湯底好好味 ! 試過不同食店間間都有唔同味道, 此外you can have chicken, or pork for the noodle. But 他們食芽菜是生食, 朋友們如果你不能接受你可以不加上去
另外他們好喜歡香草,如果味道不適合你,你亦可以不加上去但注意一定要加上青檸汁,十分清甜 =P
在HCMC , we stayed around 3days.. first day walked around in the HCMC, we've been visit ---
1)Reunification palace --重建總部,
2)ChoBen Thanh Market -- 旅客必到舊市塲, 如果你是極到瘋狂shopping 人事此處你可以買到手信 (對我來講沒甚麽可以買, 因香港乜都有 !)
3)War Museum --you must go to visit since they are showing all the Vietnam war . 十分悲慘 !
4)Post office -- 最古老post office. It is bulid in 1881 . They still use for office. Good place to see.
5)Notre Dame Cathedral -- 聖母大教堂
第二站 -- 古芝地道
此地道是很久越南人為了避免外來入侵在地下打通地道, 在打杖其間都幫助不少
很久主婦都已加入打杖保護家庭, 所有起居飲食都在地道地生活 ! 我們親身嘗試地方極小的地道扒行, 感受十分悲慘, 環境又黑又細, 身体再肥胖都恐怕amhhhhhh 入唔到去 !!!此行值得推介 -- very good !!!
向Combodia 出發 -- Siem Reap Angkor city
6-9-07 -- we start next journey.... visit Angkor wat (Everyone say 小吳哥 should be say 吳堂窟 ) But can tell you the truth, this temple you need take one day to visit all. It is not small.
We wake up at 4.30am to see the sun rise and then start to visit the temple.
1)Angkor Wat 吳堂窟
2)bantesy Srey 女王寺 this temple is the most beautiful temple what we visit. 她仍然保留她的美態, 當陽光照射時color of the wall / stone will come in Pink/orange colors. It is the different to other temples. That why many tourist must visit this temple.
3)Benteay Samre 班提色瑪寺
4)Benteay Kdei 班提可德寺
6-10-07 --
This time we took the car - called "Tuk Tuk" very special in Combodia. For one day only cost US$ 17. Very cheap. But you need bewear that many dust will come to your face.....
We went to visited - Tonle Sap lek (Lake)This is very famous village which many family live and work on the river.
如果你有看無綫播謝延鋒向出界出發的一段片段, 我們都意外地前往visited.在陸地上我們見到的是沙塵滾滾及一个个面積只可容納4-5个成員的家庭 - the kitchen and bathroom will be outside. the house only for living and some familly will use for selling.
We get on the boat, the lek all over familly. As the tour guy told us, each family is fisherman, they feeding the fish and 鱷魚 Under their house or next to the house in the river.
The water color, now we see is muddy color, but the tour guy told us when in summer time and the water go up, the color will change to very clear and bright blue/ green.
Very beautiful, then all the family living outside the river need move back to the village. They heed to protect their fish.
We missed this chance. Next time if you see. don't miss it !!
Then we went to visted few temple called -- Roluos Temple. It divided into three parts -- Lolei , Preah Ko and Bakong.
Bakong this temple is the fist temple bulid in Combodia.
Later we wend to see sunset...
6-9-07 -- we start next journey.... visit Angkor wat (Everyone say 小吳哥 should be say 吳堂窟 ) But can tell you the truth, this temple you need take one day to visit all. It is not small.
We wake up at 4.30am to see the sun rise and then start to visit the temple.
1)Angkor Wat 吳堂窟
2)bantesy Srey 女王寺 this temple is the most beautiful temple what we visit. 她仍然保留她的美態, 當陽光照射時color of the wall / stone will come in Pink/orange colors. It is the different to other temples. That why many tourist must visit this temple.
3)Benteay Samre 班提色瑪寺
4)Benteay Kdei 班提可德寺
6-10-07 --
This time we took the car - called "Tuk Tuk" very special in Combodia. For one day only cost US$ 17. Very cheap. But you need bewear that many dust will come to your face.....
We went to visited - Tonle Sap lek (Lake)This is very famous village which many family live and work on the river.
如果你有看無綫播謝延鋒向出界出發的一段片段, 我們都意外地前往visited.在陸地上我們見到的是沙塵滾滾及一个个面積只可容納4-5个成員的家庭 - the kitchen and bathroom will be outside. the house only for living and some familly will use for selling.
We get on the boat, the lek all over familly. As the tour guy told us, each family is fisherman, they feeding the fish and 鱷魚 Under their house or next to the house in the river.
The water color, now we see is muddy color, but the tour guy told us when in summer time and the water go up, the color will change to very clear and bright blue/ green.
Very beautiful, then all the family living outside the river need move back to the village. They heed to protect their fish.
We missed this chance. Next time if you see. don't miss it !!
Then we went to visted few temple called -- Roluos Temple. It divided into three parts -- Lolei , Preah Ko and Bakong.
Bakong this temple is the fist temple bulid in Combodia.
Later we wend to see sunset...
向Combodia - Vietnam出發
終於放完假, 又再重新收拾情工作
小女子早前去Combodia and Vietnam 12days. We first fm Hong Kong fly to Comobodia - Siem Reap--- to the see 世界遺迹@吳哥城 ...... 我同另位朋友- Ming Yu同行, 大家背起大背囊出發
住 : 此行4日3夜住同一間酒店 - Princess Angkor Hotel. The Hotel very nice and clean.
食: 每日我們都有洒店提供早歺, lunch will take outside and at night will take in Hotel or around hotel area.
行: 由於洒店距離景点都要10-15分鐘, 包一日車大概 US$25-30. 如景点比較或看日出价錢就貴少少啦- US$45-50. Remember you have pay one day diver. So the price is good (specially in Summer time!!) VERY HOT..
Here is my first day visiting list of temple
6/8/07 === we have spend one day to finished 12temples. It is amazing day !!! The weather is very sunny day and the sky you never can see in Hong Kong. Bright Blue Color !!!!!!
Our diver had suggest to see Angkor Thom and another small temple for one day. Next day will see the sun rise and Angkor Wat and Banteay Srei.
1)Ankor Thom 吳哥城
2)Bayon 巴戎寺
3)Baphuon 巴芳寺
4)Phiimeanakes 非敏那卡寺
5)Terrace of the Elephants 斗象台-- 最完整大象石刻
6)Terrace of the Leper King 癩王台
7)Royal Palace 皇家宮殿 -- this palace totally distory .. we only can take some few stone photo .....
8)Preah Khan 圣劍寺
9)Neak Pean 盤蛇水池 - 由於乾旱己沒有水
10)Ta Som ---- no any information on this temple.
11)Pre Rup --no informations
12)Mebon 西湄本寺
Below is the photo for the temples.... enjoy........
終於放完假, 又再重新收拾情工作
小女子早前去Combodia and Vietnam 12days. We first fm Hong Kong fly to Comobodia - Siem Reap--- to the see 世界遺迹@吳哥城 ...... 我同另位朋友- Ming Yu同行, 大家背起大背囊出發
住 : 此行4日3夜住同一間酒店 - Princess Angkor Hotel. The Hotel very nice and clean.
食: 每日我們都有洒店提供早歺, lunch will take outside and at night will take in Hotel or around hotel area.
行: 由於洒店距離景点都要10-15分鐘, 包一日車大概 US$25-30. 如景点比較或看日出价錢就貴少少啦- US$45-50. Remember you have pay one day diver. So the price is good (specially in Summer time!!) VERY HOT..
Here is my first day visiting list of temple
6/8/07 === we have spend one day to finished 12temples. It is amazing day !!! The weather is very sunny day and the sky you never can see in Hong Kong. Bright Blue Color !!!!!!
Our diver had suggest to see Angkor Thom and another small temple for one day. Next day will see the sun rise and Angkor Wat and Banteay Srei.
1)Ankor Thom 吳哥城
2)Bayon 巴戎寺
3)Baphuon 巴芳寺
4)Phiimeanakes 非敏那卡寺
5)Terrace of the Elephants 斗象台-- 最完整大象石刻
6)Terrace of the Leper King 癩王台
7)Royal Palace 皇家宮殿 -- this palace totally distory .. we only can take some few stone photo .....
8)Preah Khan 圣劍寺
9)Neak Pean 盤蛇水池 - 由於乾旱己沒有水
10)Ta Som ---- no any information on this temple.
11)Pre Rup --no informations
12)Mebon 西湄本寺
Below is the photo for the temples.... enjoy........
向Combodia - Vietnam出發
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