Life shot
遊... Japan
Photo shooting
遊... Asia
遊... Hong Kong
遊... China
My little workshop
遊... 美加
C & G Make up course Part I
為期二十堂化粧課程 - 消毒與衛生、皮膚護理、化妝品成份的認識、化妝技巧、眼眉及眼睫毛護理等
其中化妝技巧分為日妝 (普通妝) , 新娘妝 (中式妝 , 婚紗妝) 及晚妝,

其中化妝技巧分為日妝 (普通妝) , 新娘妝 (中式妝 , 婚紗妝) 及晚妝,
各位姊妹, 小妹把所学同你哋分享 ............. : )
Base color ==
Purple base == original face color is in yellow tone
Green base == original face color is red tone (Green base to less the red tone)
Blue base == original face color too white
White base = for 高光位 (during on foundation base process)
Foundation base ==
粉絛 -- for dry skin (best)
粉膏 - for dry skin
粉底液 - 含有水份 但遮瑕 too weak (for suitable for oily skin)
面形 - 各人都有不同面形, 最常見 有以下幾種面型
隋圓型 - 所有比列最好, 不需要修色
圓型 - 面型圓圓, 面兩邊要用深色修瘦D
方型 - 面及面珠兩邊要用深色修瘦d
心型 (倒三角型) (下巴尖尖) - 下巴及頭額 兩邊要用深色修瘦D
Diamond face --- 下巴及面兩邊要用深色修瘦D
長方型 -- 下巴深色修瘦D
以下是小妹功課 ---
Disney Halloween 2008
今年第一次去Disney Halloween, Never know there have many people.
森魔鬼屋及鬼屋洒店是最長龎,但最好玩就是自已扮鬼影相 ! 好特別 haha!
森魔鬼屋及鬼屋洒店是最長龎,但最好玩就是自已扮鬼影相 ! 好特別 haha!
但大家知不知道或有冇留意到自已或身边朋友, 同事, 親人, 大家都不經意地 "全場" 掃哂所有唔同出版報紙 ,不論中文版或 英文版 ,
總之一件不留 !!
現在全世界堆動更環保, 大家口上話要環保 !! 但為何拿咁多份報紙做セ呢?
下次當你取免費報紙 三思啦 !!
但大家知不知道或有冇留意到自已或身边朋友, 同事, 親人, 大家都不經意地 "全場" 掃哂所有唔同出版報紙 ,不論中文版或 英文版 ,
總之一件不留 !!
現在全世界堆動更環保, 大家口上話要環保 !! 但為何拿咁多份報紙做セ呢?
下次當你取免費報紙 三思啦 !!
Otto - EBI Annual outting - Macau !!

剛剛加入新公司,就有Annual Outting ,目的地 Macau !
公司大既 300人全体去Macau 出發 ! 據同事告之每年八月都有Annual Outting !! 前2年去 Ocean Park & DisneyLand !!
Outting 唔喺比你旅遊咁簡單, 每年都要舉辦十分辛苦比賽 - check point 比賽 又要自已team design 服裝 !

在一个32度天氣下室外比賽你話想死唔死 ! 三小時內大會指定比賽項目在Macau市內找案 ! 十分exciting !!
- 找街道名 (連居民都唔知) 你話点找 le!?
-指定食物 (need to buy and try to eat !)
-指定文物相片 ! very hard ! run around over Macau city !
玩完之后 人都已經溶化 !
最后在威尼斯人食buffet (dinner !!)
In the past few weeks, hv been found some question I never think about:
1)Pls state out the next five years of your career plan
2)Ideal job you are looking for currently and your career goal in next five years.
3)What is your strenght and weakness
Next five years plan, I don't know the next few month what I will be how to plan next five years ...
Have you think about them ?
In the past few weeks, hv been found some question I never think about:
1)Pls state out the next five years of your career plan
2)Ideal job you are looking for currently and your career goal in next five years.
3)What is your strenght and weakness
Next five years plan, I don't know the next few month what I will be how to plan next five years ...
Have you think about them ?
Malaysia Holiday
在15th July, visit Malayisa - 行程有馬六甲, 夜探螢火蟲, 三輪車遊夜市, 及水上樂園 !
發覺malayisan 生活十分舒服但對香港人節湊太慢 !
馬六甲 - 此地方十分舒服 suggest 可以再 來 !!
夜探螢火蟲 -- 好靚 ! 可惜唔准影相 !
馬六甲三輪車遊夜市 -- 其實所有 shop all close, so nothing can see !!
水上樂園 --- so bored !! Don't go !
在15th July, visit Malayisa - 行程有馬六甲, 夜探螢火蟲, 三輪車遊夜市, 及水上樂園 !
發覺malayisan 生活十分舒服但對香港人節湊太慢 !
馬六甲 - 此地方十分舒服 suggest 可以再 來 !!
夜探螢火蟲 -- 好靚 ! 可惜唔准影相 !
馬六甲三輪車遊夜市 -- 其實所有 shop all close, so nothing can see !!
水上樂園 --- so bored !! Don't go !
Make up course
7月份報讀咗化粧班- 為期半年, 每星期上一堂, 但都要3小時受課 , 都幾辛苦 !!
初初在工联會無無聊聊報讀美容班, 內容包括皮膚護理/清潔及化粧技巧 (最常見新娘粧/普通粧/ 晚粧) 原來讀美容眞唔容易, 好多野要留意.
化粧師班 及美容師班是大大不同, 美容師班是深讀皮膚護理/清潔, 可以話讀醫学上的知識, 比較難
現在進級讀化粧師班- 化粧技巧 !!
One dream One world One heart

溫 家 寶 說 : 「 山 可 動 搖 , 但 動 搖 不 了 廣 大 民 眾 抗 震 救 災 的 決 心 ; 水 可 以 斷 , 但 割 斷 不 了 香 港 同 胞 跟 內 地 同 胞 的 友 情 。 」
胡錦濤於16/5探訪災區時說: 「 感謝香港同胞, 對內地.抗震救災的支援, 體現我們血濃於水的同胞之情, 請你(TVB.記者)向香港的廣大同胞, 轉達我.的謝意。 」
我們不是大集團, 大機構, 大團體, 但我們組內的28,000多名朋友都有同一個信念 : 我們關注, 我們關懷, 我們會用自己最大的力量, 去協助受地震影響的人民. 因為, 我們都是中國人!
Location: Sichuan, ChinaDate taken: 12 May 2008
聯合國兒童基金會香港委員會撥款港幣二百萬元予四川大地震的災民,將緊急的救援物資 (包括 : 毛氈、帳篷、衣物、藥物、食糧、淨水丸等 )送到災區,協助拯救行動。
At 2:28pm on 12 May 2008, an earthquake registered 7.8 on the Richter scale struck the Wenchuan district of Sichuan. The earthquake has affected more than 10 cities including Chongquing, Ningxia, Gansu and damaged a large number of buildings. The earthquake caused about 8,500 deaths in Sichuan and thousands of injuries. The death toll is expecting to rise. In the city of Du Jiangyan, near Chengdu, the collapses of school buildings have killed 50 children and trapped another 900 students in the rubble.
UNICEF works extensively with government counterparts in Sichuan province. Sichuan is one of the poorest and most populous provinces in China. Estimated that the total population affected approximately 4.8 million, the popluation of children approximately 1.5 million. The earthquake has made clean water and safe hygiene unavailable, the risk of life-threatening diarrhea and infectious diseases increase dramatically. Children are usually the most vulnerable in these disasters.
The Hong Kong Committee for UNICEF has allocated HK$2 million, emergency supplies including medical kits with essential drugs, water purification tablets, tents, clothes and blankets will be delivered to the hardest hit areas
內地今日下午將為汶川大地震遇難者,進行網路公祭活動。活動將於今日下午二時二十八分正式啟動。網路公祭活動由「我們的文明」「民族魂」網站聯合人民網、新華網、中國網、央視國際、新浪網、搜狐網、中華網 、騰訊 網等網站共同發起。網路公祭活動網址為512.china5000.org.cn,主要內容包括在網上向全體遇難同胞敬獻虛擬的鮮花,以表達廣大青少年的深切哀悼和緬懷;給遇難同胞家屬寫信留言,以表達深摯的慰問和撫慰,幫助他們儘快走出大災的陰影;倡議全國青少年暫停娛樂活動一天,向遇難同胞表示哀悼和敬意。此次網路公祭活動到十九日下午二時二十七分結束。活動結束後,專題網站將豐富內容,建成「汶川大地震紀念館」,在網上長期保留,永遠紀念。
Location: Sichuan, ChinaDate taken: 12 May 2008
聯合國兒童基金會香港委員會撥款港幣二百萬元予四川大地震的災民,將緊急的救援物資 (包括 : 毛氈、帳篷、衣物、藥物、食糧、淨水丸等 )送到災區,協助拯救行動。
At 2:28pm on 12 May 2008, an earthquake registered 7.8 on the Richter scale struck the Wenchuan district of Sichuan. The earthquake has affected more than 10 cities including Chongquing, Ningxia, Gansu and damaged a large number of buildings. The earthquake caused about 8,500 deaths in Sichuan and thousands of injuries. The death toll is expecting to rise. In the city of Du Jiangyan, near Chengdu, the collapses of school buildings have killed 50 children and trapped another 900 students in the rubble.
UNICEF works extensively with government counterparts in Sichuan province. Sichuan is one of the poorest and most populous provinces in China. Estimated that the total population affected approximately 4.8 million, the popluation of children approximately 1.5 million. The earthquake has made clean water and safe hygiene unavailable, the risk of life-threatening diarrhea and infectious diseases increase dramatically. Children are usually the most vulnerable in these disasters.
The Hong Kong Committee for UNICEF has allocated HK$2 million, emergency supplies including medical kits with essential drugs, water purification tablets, tents, clothes and blankets will be delivered to the hardest hit areas
內地今日下午將為汶川大地震遇難者,進行網路公祭活動。活動將於今日下午二時二十八分正式啟動。網路公祭活動由「我們的文明」「民族魂」網站聯合人民網、新華網、中國網、央視國際、新浪網、搜狐網、中華網 、騰訊 網等網站共同發起。網路公祭活動網址為512.china5000.org.cn,主要內容包括在網上向全體遇難同胞敬獻虛擬的鮮花,以表達廣大青少年的深切哀悼和緬懷;給遇難同胞家屬寫信留言,以表達深摯的慰問和撫慰,幫助他們儘快走出大災的陰影;倡議全國青少年暫停娛樂活動一天,向遇難同胞表示哀悼和敬意。此次網路公祭活動到十九日下午二時二十七分結束。活動結束後,專題網站將豐富內容,建成「汶川大地震紀念館」,在網上長期保留,永遠紀念。
My last day in Li & Fung
2nd May is my last day work in Li Fung. I hv been work in this company for nearly three years.
It have been happened many things , make lot of friends, facing many problem . Have happiness and sadness.
在我上次Vietnam 旅遊認識了一位Malaysia - Nicolas !
This time, he came to visted Macau and HK, On last friday, my friend - Ming took him around in Hong Kong. (i need to work on Friday!) Tks Ar Ming !!
At night we went to visit Nathan Road , the most busy road in Hong Kong ! Peak, central - Lan kwai Fong!
京都2日遊圖集 4/15-17
Sorry ! Keep you all waiting. Just finish my first part of my Kyoto photo album
Pls enjoy !!
4/15/08 -- fm Hk to Osaka (at night take express train to Kyoto)
4/16/08 -- starting our Kyoto Journey
4/17 /08 -- evening by train back to Osaka . Starting on the Osaka trip
Sorry ! Keep you all waiting. Just finish my first part of my Kyoto photo album
Pls enjoy !!
4/15/08 -- fm Hk to Osaka (at night take express train to Kyoto)
4/16/08 -- starting our Kyoto Journey
4/17 /08 -- evening by train back to Osaka . Starting on the Osaka trip
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