This weekend is not good day to go out. Raining all time .
I have clear up my room specially my wardrobe, will never know how mess they are .
When I tidy up , found one sport shirt fm my high school . It was marked in my friends greeding words. Back to high school time, it was very good fun with lot of different people who are fm different country.
Hong Kong students will never know how hard to lived in boading school. U will facing lot of different kind people, school rules etc
Morning call --- 7am
Breadfast time -- on time for every house student
Time for lesson -- running around in the school ( the classroom not in settle) always changing
Time for lunch -- thousand students come in dinning room - the room only have 20 tables for whole school ( u can see how worst)
Time for dinner ( for boading student) -- food u will never know how worst.... Chinese people will alway cook in their room (rice / Noodles) How good are we !!!
Time for school work --- 1 1/2 hours stay in room or classroom to finished the homework.
Time go to bed --- on time went to bed....... u can have your fee time to talked with your roomate.........
Weekend on Sat -- only have half day go to small town far away fm the school 1/2hurs. (we can not run aways fm the school )
Sunday -- all shop in Town are closed, Stay in school nothing to do. Only watching the TV or sleep all day. Or play tennis , football, brasket ball.
This is the schedule of our boarding school and lived !!!